4 Places to Buy African Clothing, Accessories & Art with CRYPTOCURRENCIES

Nowadays, you can buy practically anything with cryptocurrency, from VPN services to home goods, to pizza, to plane tickets. Below is a list of some of the top online African fashion stores that accept cryptocurrency as payment for their products.

Etsy specializes in handmade products; African Fashion is not their only centre of interest. Etsy doesn’t offer an official Bitcoin payment. Instead, vendors can opt for an alternative payment method. According to Bitpay.com, in an article that was published in 2019 hundreds of customers have transacted with Bitcoins.
2. Ali Express

This is one of the top online retail stores owned by the Alibaba group. The retail store started in 2010 and they offer a wide range of products from electronics to African fashion. They accept bitcoin as a means of payment.
3. Afrik Empire

If you are in search of a traditional African dress, African style, or anything in the African fashion scene, Afrik Empire is one of the most affordable online African clothing market place to buy from.
Afrik Empire allows buyers and sellers to pay for purchases with cryptocurrency. They offer a variety of products ranging from African clothing to African art.
4. Shopify Stores

This leading e-commerce company is renowned for allowing merchants to sell products via online shops. In 2015, shopify enabled a cryptocurrency payments option which allowed merchants to receive payments through the popular BitPay according in an article published in 2019 by Paybis.com .
In conclusion
Over the decades, businesses and the general public have been awaiting a single currency that could work as a viable medium of exchange. Cryptocurrency has successfully been receiving wider global acceptance, with businesses appreciating the ability of digital currencies to make transactions in a matter of seconds.
If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends and loved ones. If you have any questions or special requests, you can reach out to us and we would be happy to provide you with an online marketplace to buy or sell African fashion in Canada and the United States.
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